This is a captivating book by Beatrice Gormley. It is about the child- and young adult- hood of the very famous Roman, Julius Ceasar. Something very interesting about it is that you are always hearing things about Ceasar, but how much do you know about him?
Ceasar was born into a high family, but one without much money. His whole name was Gaius Julius Ceasar; Gaius being reserved for close friends and family, Julius the name of his clan, and Ceasar meaning he belonged to the Ceasar family. He wanted a life of military adventure and honor, but he wasn't sure how he was going to make his way up to that. Meanwhile, he was offered the privilege of becoming the high priest of Jupiter, after the former one had died. Unfortunately, the high priest of Jupiter was not allowed to even watch a military parade after a victory, or at any time, much less become a mighty army hero! Still, Ceasar would not let that stand in his way. He made it to the top and became one of the most famous men of all time.